Friday, January 15, 2010

Funny Friday

Ok, so I have to admit I didn't put much thought into this. I was browsing the net and suddenly realized that it is indeed Friday and I once again forgot I was supposed to post. So I'll fall back on an old stand by..... BUTTS. Yes, butts are funny, whether you are young or old, male or female, the life of the party or the wallflower. There is just something about the word butt. Bum is not funny. Tushie is not funny. BUTT is funny. Just say it. See?

So of course, like all kids, Lily is going through her right of passage concerning butts. She thinks they are hilarious and never passes up a chance to say butt. Yesterday she got an enormous kick out of talking about our cat's butt. It was "Maggie's butt" this and "Maggie's butt" that...... and then she decided to add her own creative flair by telling me that a missing toy (that I had been looking for most of the day) was in Maggie's butt. We laughed like lunatics. I know some parents might think I should be discouraging this crudeness and at the very least not adding to it..... but then they couldn't possibly know me very well at all. I happen to think butts are hilarious, still. And don't even get me started on farts ;)


  1. Yay I see you are updating your blog more. I will make sure I read it more often then! I love HGTV and Wentworth Miller too. ( I guess who doesn't )

  2. LOL, only weirdos wouldn't love both ;)
